Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cherry Pomegranate (not Acai flavor yesterday)

Since I did not finish my report yesterday of what I was eating, I continue here.
First I need to make a correction.  I did not have the Acai flavor..


I had the Cherry Pomegranate, frosted.  How did I forget and make that mistake? Just busy with other things on my mind.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What did I eat today? YOU need to know.

I'm going to tell you what I ate - if you tell me what you ate (make a comment) NOTE: I am eating right now as I write this to you.. my hands are actually a bit fishy smelling. I just opened a can of something. Man, they were packed in there like sardines. It was a job just to get them out of the can. I smacked on it upside down a few times and they were stuck. You know why they were packed in like sardines? Because they ARE sardines! I put some Balsalmic vinegar and Dijon mustard on them. They are right there next to my computer. Talk about multi-tasking. But the truth is, today I did not do much computer work. My other meals were more focused. It is a late second dinner for me. Let's go back to the beginning...
 For breakfast I had: Hot Oatmeal (not the wholesome-est kind, it was quick oats unfortunately - face the reality.. but it is thankfully Better-than-nuttin) Oatmeal was with: Black-strapped Molasses and Agave syrup, some Himalayan Pink Salt (is that a trademark?), along with a splash of Almond Coconut blend Milk (non-dairy). Can you guess the brand on that milk? Now everybody has a choice to get off the cow's milk, that nasty pasteurized, homogenized, rancid, puss-filled liquid death... oh excuse me, I still drink a sip now and then. It won't kill you if done in moderation. The brand is Silk, mmm good. I did not say great. Sometimes the caragenan does not agree with me.
For Lunch I had: Geez (I love Jesus) I did not have any lunch. Well, I did a snack. It was an alternative "Pop Tart" Damn that mainstream poison brand. The proper name of those things are called "TOASTER PASTRIES". I ate one of the delectable frosted Acai flavor, from Nature's Path brand.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fasting, what is it?

What is fasting? It has something to do with all these topics: fasting, cleansing, no food, juice fast, juicing, eat less, purification, meditation, religious practice, digestion, solid foods, liquid food, breatharian. Are there good reasons to do fasting? There are many specifics on how to conduct the fasting period. But the general idea has to be comprehended first. It is all about taking a rest. It's almost like sleep. It is letting the digestive system take a rest, letting it sleep. This is very useful to do, every once in awhile. It is logical, because we have to operate our activities on a cycle. On then off then on again, repeat cycle. You can compare it to machines which we use so often in this modern age. As a reminder. But we are the original machine, the real, organic, flesh and blood machine.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Peter Appleseed is all about good food.

That's a big thing. Food is something we deal with every day (unless it's a day of fasting)  So we have to make our food eating as a really important skill.
I'm writing a book about, you could call it an user's manual of food. Or a food guide.  Or an instructional.  We'll settle on the title later.
It's all about how to do food the best way possible.

Here are some key words: fresh, raw, organic, sustainable, ripe, local (macrobiotic), and healthy, nutritious wholesome goodness!

I give you this image to visualize somebody who experiences this good life: